little messy missy

little messy missy

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Here is an update on our chickens. As of right now we have three chicks and three layers. Sometimes I get lucky and get four eggs a day, but mostly three...sometimes our Brahma lays twice. I can,t wait for all of them to be laying. We cleaned out the coop and hung the nesting boxes a little higher then before. We added a couple new perch's and the birds seem to love it. Our little vegetable and flower seeds aren't so little anymore and our two huge compost piles have been dumped into the garden waiting for the tiller and warmer weather. We have been mighty busy and planting season has not even officially started yet. I can,t wait!!

1 Rhode Island Red Hen – deep brown eggs
2 Plymouth Rock Hens- Brown spotted eggs
1 Ameraucana Hens- Beautiful blue eggs
1 Araucana Hen- green eggs
1 Brahma Hen- light brown eggs (almost pink)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pretty birdies!


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